Thursday, December 16, 2010

Testimonial Danielle Whitaker

I have been sick as long as I can remember. over 16 years to be exact. Going from doctor to doctor. Told over and over again that nothing was wrong with me and that it was "in my head", self manifested. I knew in m heart I wasn't making it up or making myself sick. I did everything they told me and after finally year of being on every anti depressant and pain medicines, I was diagnosed with Fribromyalgia and anti anxiety disorder. Pressing on through different opinions I came across a doctor who asked me if I had ever been tested for Lyme Disease. Well he did test me and found out I was + for Lyme Disease. Finally mystery solved I can finally start feeling better. Not quite. Come to find out not a lot if not a hand full of doctors even know about Chronic Lyme Disease, and fewer know how to treat it. Basically going back to square one trying to find a doctor who would treat my disease. 

I was depleted when my husband came across Dr. Dana Churchill's website. My husband said to "I think he can help, I just have a feeling this is it!" I thought after seeing well a hundred a so doctor's, "I'll believe it when I see it". Dr. Churchill got me in right away and within the first half an hour I knew my husband was right. He knew all the right questions about my disease and the pain and suffering I was going through. He spent about 4 hours going through my history and everything I was going through one at a time. I've never felt that a doctor was so tentative with me ever. After 2 weeks of starting the herbal medicines and going to weekly detox, and hydro therapy, and change in diet. I was finally starting to feel better. Going from thinking this disease would probably cripple and could possibly take my life I feel like Dr. Churchill helped save my life. He has helped not only my physical health but my mental and spiritual as well. I continue to get stronger and feel better even though I've completed my therapies and he continues to check on me all the time. I am so very thankful to have found Dr. Churchill he has given me strength, hope, and a chance at a normal life. I realize I have Lyme Disease it doesn't have me, I took my power back, with Dr. Churchill's help for that I am eternally grateful.

Danielle Whitaker

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